Welcome to Hope & Coffee
Hope & Coffee was created to be a social gathering place where people can safely connect with others and get together with friends to socialize.
It’s a place where folks can be certain there’s not going to be any drugs or alcohol.
Hope & Coffee is for everybody. For those in recovery, those under twenty-one, and for families with kids who just want to get out and have a good time.
We Are Open
Monday Tuesday and Wednesday
7am to 2pm
Thursday and Friday
7am till 8pm
8am till 10pm
8am till 2pm
On July 19, 2019
We Celebrated Our First
Hope & Coffee Anniversary
Because of donors and generous community members like you, Hope & Coffee celebrated our one year anniversary! With your continued support, Hope & Coffee can continue the bold and charitable mission to normalize recovery by serving the very best coffee and treats in a safe, recovery-friendly coffee shop that prioritizes hiring people, vendors and contractors in recovery. During our first year, we helped more than 12 people by creating a meaningful place for them to work while serving more than 2,500 customers! Times News video coverage of the event available here.
There is no set “amount” for the donation—click the button to give what you can afford—and please stop by to let the world know that our community supports and celebrates those in recovery from addiction.
We join the Unity Recovery Organization in affirming this core set of principles and beliefs that inform everything we do:
- Recovery is a dynamic process in which the individual is the expert in their own lives
- All pathways, programs, and modalities of recovery are valuable and legitimate
- Individuals who use substances or live with severe and persistent mental illness are worthy, loved, and deserve dignity
- Saving lives is always #1; you can’t recover if you are no longer living
- Harm reduction is both a pathway and program of recovery, as well as a life saving set of services
- The community is the best source of information in addressing substance use, mental health, and other quality of life concerns
- Stigma, bias, and discrimination have no place in recovery
- Tough love approaches to initiating recovery dehumanize and harm individuals living with substance use or mental health disorders
- The ability to pay should not impact the availability of quality recovery support services
We are now able to offer virtual recovery meetings throughout the day
in our second floor meeting space during our regular hours of operation.
In addition, Unity Recovery offers online recovery support meetings seven times daily at 7AM, 9AM, 12PM, 3PM, 6PM, 9PM, and 11PM EST. Unity Recovery also offers one daily family and loved one recovery support meeting at 8PM EST; a twice weekly LGBTQ+ (Mon at 7PM EST & Wed at 11AM EST); a twice weekly Womxn’s Only (Tue & Thurs at 7PM EST) all recovery meeting; a weekly Harm Reduction Works (HRW; Fri at 1PM EST) meeting; and a weekly pregnant and postpartum (PPR) mothers (Tue at 10AM EST) all recovery meeting. All recovery meetings are non-denominational, agnostic to any specific recovery pathway, and are open to anyone.
- Video is optional but can be used
- Real names do not have to be used and are not required
- Audio can be muted and you are not required to share
- Please be respectful of all participants just as you would in any other meeting or recovery space – we are all in this together
We need to transform our community into a place that is recovery-friendly, that understands recovery, supports people in recovery, and provides opportunities for people in recovery.
— Micah Gursky, Executive Director